About Us
The company is promoted by smatgroup with the urge of creating pollution free environment, the group working the project from 1996. First Auto LPG is promoted by the group by initiating the project of converting 1000 vehicles to Auto LPG on trial basis in Chennai city in 1998. Based on that report Govt of India appointed two committees and approved LPG for automobiles and thus Auto LPG business was initiated and the Carbon monoxide emission is reduced. Now to make nil the CO emission the company introducing the electrical power to vehicles by introducing the relevant sizes of swappable batteries and the required electronics to run Hub motors for two wheelers and BLDC for 3 wheelers and 4 wheelers. Our specialty is Transferring Electrical Power to the Mechanical Power. For last 10 years our scientists were in the job of designing a better technology to run the automotive by battery and Selected advanced BLDC motor & PMSM motor; latest battery and updated electricals and electronics required for individual type of vehicle and different models and makers.
The company proposed to install swapping station all over India and convert maximum no of the existing vehicles to run in Electrical Batteries by design and fix the conversion kits as retro fitment in the First Phase. Installing the Charging stations to charge the Electrical vehicles in future.
Gifting a pollution free land for our children. Succeeding as India’s number 1 manufacturing of commercial automobiles. Transforming all electric vehicles to travel around India without waiting to charge their battery.